What I’m Working On

Image by Jill Wellington from Pixabay

It’s the first week of October and Christmas tunes are playing in my studio. What I love most about the music (besides it putting me in a festive mood) is it makes me feel like I’ve won a battle with my husband. For over twenty years we’ve argued (good-naturedly) about when it’s okay to play Christmas music and when it isn’t. He says December (maybe after Thanksgiving). I say when the mood strikes.

For the first five years of our marriage, my husband actually hid my Christmas CDs until the day after Thanksgiving. He lost ground when I ripped all the CDs to my computer and had a song ready to play as soon as it snowed, which in Wisconsin often happened late October or early November.

So why am I playing Christmas music on a sixty-degree day in Idaho at the beginning of October? I needed to set the mood for my Christmas Short Story Collection. Technically, Christmas music has played since September because it’s when I started writing my Christmas stories.

My Christmas collection will be five Christmas short stories. The first three are written. I will finish the fourth one this week.

I’m having fun writing Christmas stories. My brain is already playing with other ideas on future collections. I will release this collection during the first week of November.

Stay tuned!

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