What I’m Working on – January 23, 2023

Last week, it took me a little longer than usual to fall into my normal writing routine. I took a few days to take care of household items that were urgent and touched base with friends and family since we hadn’t talked to many of them since Christmas. I also plotted out my goals for the year in writing, personal, and business. It helped me gain some clarity on what to work on next and to prioritize a few things that I let slip (such as updating the look of my website).

There were also the “required” visits to the shores of Lake Superior to appreciate the huge ways. My favorite days around here are the ones where the wind is blowing toward shore. The water is magnificent. I’ve learned since moving here that the wind shifts direction. Some days when the wind blows toward Wisconsin (which is 30 miles away) I wonder how big the waves must be on their shores. One day, I may have to drive around the lake to see. Sadly, the drive is over one-hundred miles to find out. 

For my writing, I tossed a short story that I started at the beginning of the week because the topic required too much research in a short time. Don’t get me wrong, I love to research, but it’s easy for me to chase a lot of rabbit trails about a topic, especially when it has to do with space exploration and new technology. The idea will be revisited at another time. My research will happen during my reading time so that I don’t use up my precious writing time chasing my curiosity.

I’m almost finished with a second short story that I’m writing for a market. I hope to have it done by Tuesday at the latest so I can have a few days to polish. There’s also my next fantasy novel that I started and will continue to write this week.

The drawing guide I’m writing is started. I have about three blog posts I plan to post this week on my art website about drawing, and finish the handout this week.

I hope everyone has a good week.

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