This writing update comes to you from the shores of Lake Superior. It’s a balmy 64 degrees Fahrenheit at Black Beach, one of my favorite beaches around here. There are at least 50 tourists congregated at the tiny inlet on the other end of the beach near the picnic tables. I’m not sure why they don’t come down to my corner, maybe they know something I don’t, like a monster is going to appear from rocky bottom waters and pull me into Gitchi Gumi, the seagulls might turn into vampire gulls, or there could be an ancient curse that the tourists sense that I’m too dense to notice. Whatever the reason, I’m glad that I have a private outdoor “office” space.

This week I got my fantasy novel back from my copy editor. I plan on making the edits within the next week. If all goes well, I hope to have the book published by the end of August.

I’m making progress on my romance story. I’m enjoying the little surprises that my imagination added. It’s coming along nicely. My goal is to have the draft done by next Friday.

This weekend between writing sessions, I plan to continue to explore the area we moved to. I have a book that gives locations of 150 waterfalls around Lake Superior. I’ve visited many of them over the years, but there are some that are super close to us to explore.

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