What I’m Working On – 12/1/22

Photo of Sugarloaf Cove in November (before the snow) by Jake Woldstad

I can’t believe November is over. Snow has blanketed the North Shore. Lake Superior is moody. Some days it’s calm and others it’s wild and unsettled. My husband and I have spent a few afternoons watching the water while sitting in camp chairs that are low to the ground and a blanket draped over our laps. The turbulent water is my favorite, but there’s something beautiful about the steel gray calm waters as well.

There were some personal things that I had to work through, including the death of my grandma. She is deeply missed.

On the writing front, I finished my romance novel last week. I’m giving it the final read through this week. The plan is to send it to my copy editor by the end of the week. I’m excited to have it finished. I love how it turned out, even though it was twice as long as I planned. That’s something I love about writing, I never know how long a piece is going to be until it’s done.

I’m currently finished writing a short story that will go into a Christmas short story collection. I had hoped to have it started over the summer, but adjusting to life after a big move took more time than I anticipated.

There are three other short stories I’m working on for the month of December to send to some anthologies for considerations. I also plan to start my next novel. I have a few ideas, but I won’t know which one will win until I start to write.

I hope everyone is staying warm as the temperatures drop.

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