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Choosing a Challenge
Happy New Year! I enjoy the beginning of the year because it gives me that opportunity to reflect on where I’ve been and where I’m going. There was a time when I would set a resolution for every facet of my life. Then I’d drive myself crazy with a lengthy to-do list that didn’t factor…
“Real” (Print) Books vs. eBook Readers
When I talk with book lovers and mention that I read with an e-reader, the person usually states “I hate reading on screens,” or “there’s no way I’d read an eBook, I like ‘real’ books” I nod with understanding as the person lists the benefits of reading with a “real” book. The most common reason…
Guest Appearance at the Silver Bay Library
On Friday, December 13, 2024, from 3-6pm I’ll be at the Silver Bay Library as a guest author to celebrate the library’s grand reopening. If you happen to be in the area and would like to stop by, I’d love to meet you. I’ll have print copies of Count on Christmas and The Perfect Hook.…
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